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Days 40-47: Friends, Falls & Fun – Upstate New York & Niagara Falls Tours

After weeks of travel, we took a break to mooch-dock with friends in Binghamton, NY, which ended with an epic parents-vs-kids soccer match. From there, we reconnected with my childhood best friend at a lake cabin in Canandaigua, followed by a nostalgic visit to my old neighborhoods and schools in Rochester, NY. Our next stop was Niagara Falls, where we experienced breathtaking views from both the U.S. and Canadian sides. We wrapped up our stay with campground fun, Clifton Hill attractions, and a spectacular fireworks show over the falls.

Days 40-43: Mooch-Docking, Disc Golf, Soccer (Aug 21 – Aug 24)

Rancho Pines Campground, NY to Binghamton, NY – 203 miles.

We spent the next three days mooch-docking at our friends, Jonathan and Sarah’s home in Binghamton, NY. We met them during college years when they were attending The University of Texas at Austin. Their driveway became our little campsite, much like the mooch-docking we did in Madison, MS at the very beginning of our trip. It is a nice change to just hang out and enjoy time with friends after previous week’s adventures and thousands of miles on the road.

We did a mix of things—played some disc golf and hit up a brewery nearby, and then just relaxed at their place. The kids biked around the neighborhood, took turns playing VR games, swimming in the pool, and even sharing each other’s piano musical talent. Of course, we wrapped up one of the evening at the firepit with s’mores, which is basically mandatory at this point!

On the last morning, the kids had this big idea to play a soccer game—parents vs. kids. They’d been talking about it the night before, and there was no way we were getting out of it. It ended up being such a fun way to end our stay, with lots of laughs and some pretty competitive moves on both sides! I got to bring out my DJI Mini 4 Pro Drone and capture some moments when adults were kicking the kids butt (or was it the other way around?).

Days 43-45: Lake Cabin with Friends and Hometown Memories (Aug 24 – Aug 26)

Binghamton, NY to Canandaigua / Rochester KOA – 141 miles, 2.5 hours

One of the highlights I was looking forward to on this trip was reconnecting with my childhood best friend, Jon. We went to Francis Parker Elementary School #23 together in Rochester, NY, from 3rd to 6th grade. We met up at his family’s cabin on Lake Canandaigua, along with his wife and their two boys. To make it even more special, I got to see his mom, who I have so many fond memories of from my childhood. The next day, we invited them to hang out with us at Canandaigua / Rochester KOA, where the fun continued.

After saying goodbye to our friends, we spent the afternoon driving to Rochester, NY. I took the opportunity to pass by the homes I grew up in as a kid, which brought back so many memories. We also visited the schools I attended—Francis Parker Elementary and Cosgrove Middle School—and took a drive through downtown Rochester. It was nostalgic to spot Kodak, where my grandfather used to work, and relive little pieces of my childhood through the city’s streets.

Although we didn’t have time to explore everything Rochester has to offer, the visit was meaningful for me.

We managed a brief walk down Park Avenue, soaking in its charm, and wrapped up the evening with dinner at Roux, a French restaurant that served as the perfect way to end the day.

Days 45-48: Niagara Falls, Clifton Hill and Laser Tag (Aug 26 – Aug 29)

Canandaigua / Rochester KOA to HTR Niagara Campground & Resort, Grand Island, NY – 93 miles, 1.5 hours

Day 45: Scenic Farmland Drive to Niagara Falls
On the morning of Day 45, we checked out of our campground in Canandaigua / Rochester and drove through miles of scenic farmland on our way to Niagara Falls. Along the way, we hoped to visit one of the area’s alpaca farms but couldn’t secure a last-minute tour. However, we did stumble upon the Alpine Adventure Zone Natural Playground in Spencerport, just outside of Rochester, NY. We love the freedom to find gems like this natural playground on the road which gave the kids a chance to stretch their legs and have some fun.

We arrived at HTR Niagra Falls Campground & Resort around 4pm! It felt so good to finally arrive early (considering all previous 10pm-12am arrivals). The kids quickly started exploring the campground on their bikes and also rented one of those 1/2/4 seater pedal bikes which was a free perk at this campground.

The HTR Niagra Falls Campground is conveniently situated between Niagara Falls and Buffalo, NY, on Grand Island. Aside from spacious RV sites with full hookups, you can also rent rustic yet modern log cabins, unique yurts, and bring your tents. The amenities includes heated swimming pool, zip line, miniature golf, an 8-acre fishing and boating lake, nature trails, and a playground for kids. The campground also features a well-stocked camp store, laundry facilities, and pet-friendly policies, ensuring a comfortable and activity-filled stay near Niagara Falls. Yea, it’s a resort.

Day 46: Exploring Niagara Falls
Our Niagara Falls adventure began with the iconic Maid of the Mist boat ride, where we experienced the thundering falls up close. We then ventured into the Cave of the Winds, an exhilarating walk right below the falls. We further explored the American side part of the Niagara Falls State Park, including the Niagara Falls Observation Tower extending far out into the Niagara Gorge providing breathtaking views of all 3 falls and the Niagara River.

Later, we crossed into Canada to see the falls from a different perspective. The views from the Canadian side were incredible, and we topped it off with a visit to the Skylon Tower, where we enjoyed panoramic vistas of the falls, the surrounding gorge, and the city skyline from high above.

Maple Leaf Place

Day 47: Campground Fun and Clifton Hill
On our last full day, we decided to enjoy the amenities at the campground. The kids had a blast playing a few rounds of outdoor laser tag and joined other campground kids in multiple games of GaGa Ball.

In the late afternoon, we headed to Clifton Hill for some fun by the falls. Clifton hill is a very vibrant area filled with attractions, restaurants, and shopping. You could easily spend a day given all the attractions but we enjoyed the Niagara SkyWheel, Movieland Wax Museum, and Zombie Attack in particular. Of course, the highlight of the night was the Niagara Falls Fireworks and illumination show. Watching the fireworks over the lit-up American Falls was the perfect way to end our Niagara Falls adventure.

Series Navigation<< Days 33-39: Adirondack Wonders – Olympic History, Scenic Gorges & Fort TiconderogaDays 48-53: Airstream Origins, Churchill Downs & The World’s Longest Cave >>

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